This entry is dedicated to the most charismatic girl in this world who can smile in a million ways and more to make my day.
One day when the sun, being weary of his daily routine decided not to show up in the sky and take a day off, winter perceived this opportunity and was inclined to descend his wrath upon the wretched humans and the almighty fog had announced his dictatorship on the city. Birds decided to stay put in their nests and the bustling city was never quieter . . . On one such day I was out in the cold enjoying the beauty of nature which I had been missing since I left the mountains.
In spite of having a vacation ,I decided to stay because that could have been my last chance to witness "Dilli ki sardi".The best thing about being a student in Delhi are the DTC passes which makes travelling in Delhi so very convenient and cheap. I took a bus to South-Ex and headed towards Ansal.I rarely drink coffee, but the chilling weather and my inability to spot any active life form around the 3 meter visibility that I had, drove my feet towards a restaurant which used to make incredible coffee (During my recent visit I found it missing).I got my self seated near a window seat and ordered what ever I wanted and started looking around for someone familiar because dining alone is the worst thing to do on a winter evening.
Of the very few people in that restaurant my eyes got anchored on a girl clad in a yellow hooded jacket, a black jeans and a purple top eating burgers like a child who has been starving for quite a few days. I could apprehend the lavaliere around her neck and the Tom and Jerry bracelet on her right hand and the appealing lip gloss on her lips but I wasn't able to get a glimpse of her adorable face which aroused immense curiosity in me. I rarely call upon God but at that moment every beat of my heart pleaded for a glance of that mysterious girl. And as kind as God is, I saw Richa walking out of the washroom and rambling towards me with a smile. Something inside me told me that she was my angel for the day and she definitely was. She told me that she was accompanied by her friend and since I being alone was offered an opportunity to join them provided I paid the bill. What more in this world could I have asked for on that day.
We walked over to the other table and we were introduced .She looked up stretching her right hand for me to hold while removing the hood with the left and said "hello”. That was the most staggering moment of my life. I was looking into the most fascinating face, listening to the sweetest Hello and was holding the most velutinous hand in my entire life. My heart skipped a beat, my eyes forgot to wink and how much I wished if time could have been my ally who would have frozen that moment for me till eternity but every wish are not meant to be fulfilled for the greater good.
There are times in your life which change you for ever.11th December 2004 was one such day .The sunsets in my life would never be the same again ,my heart wouldn't beat without a name ,my eyes wouldn't be without an image ,my medulla oblongata will never be idle and every breathe wouldn't be without benediction after that day.
The six hours of time with her were more pleasurable and memorable than my entire days on earth. Every time I meet her I fall in love all over again even though I try hard not to.
Although I feel literally exhausted in expounding her, here is an attempt to elucidate her to the zillionth of what actually she is . . .. . . .
She has a maiden name so divine that the gates of heaven would definitely be opened for me .She is more beautiful than the sunsets besides Taj Mahal, when all you can wish is to capture every passing moment in your heart and never let go the setting sun and once the sun sets you anxiously wait till the dawn to see the sun rise all over again in all its glory. She is more desirable than being a billionaire. You can do anything and everything even beyond your capacity to have her besides you at the end of the day. And if she happens to stand by you in all times good or bad you wouldn't want anything else from this life.
She is more innocent than a lamb or a dove and her smile can disarm legions. She is more humorous than a clown's nose and every time she smiles even the gloomiest of creature wouldn't hold his laugh. She is more altruistic than a flower always ready to bring smiles on other faces even if it means being plucked. She is livelier than a firefly, ever ready to consume herself to ease and enlighten someone else's path in the dark. She is fairer than Snow White and her lips sweeter than saccharides.She is more romantic than a red rose, and her company so infectious that a million years would pass in the blink of an eye.Her brown eyes is wilder than those of a tigress and her aroma is better than the best perfumes.
She is more honest than a young child and more fun to be with than a merry-go-round. God has filled her with more shades than He probably would have in any butterfly. She’s more than an angel descended from the heavens only for me, she’s my soul, my love and my life. I couldn't think about surviving a single moment without her.
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What more can I say ,although I may mean a million things when I talk to her but in every word that I speak ,in every expression that I display ,in every breathe that I inhale ,in every beat of my heart there is an unsaid expression of how much I love her which I guess she understands.
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Do you believe me Née raj?
Yes Nithin I do. . . . . .
This is an abstract of a long sentimental chat in which Nithin described you, except the part when I met you. This being my blog I should be involved in some way and I hope neither you nor Nithin should mind me writing this the way I did.
Last but not the least if you liked what I wrote for you both ,I become eligible for a reward . . . . .So here is what I expect from you both . . . . ..You may continue loving each other but never hate me or else that would mean an end . . . .. . . . . . . . . to my writings for ever. Do keep giving me reasons to meet you both in a while because I am like a whale that may have decided not to see the sky again but couldn't help resurfacing to catch a breath since it doesn't know how to breathe beneath.
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