Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Pursuit Of Happiness - Judgement Day.

The journey continues from where I left . . . . .

4:30 PM. He was 1069 kilometers away from home into the city of lakes with a quest to find an oyster with the loveliest pearl. He had about six hours of leisure at hand .So he walks out of the station, gets himself a hotel room, freshens up and walks into to city to spend time, which somehow seemed to tick slower than ever. He walks through three multiplexes without getting one single ticket .His good luck seemed to be saving itself for the better moments. He sits besides the lake trying to be William Wordsworth jotting down something on nature’s beauty but alas! He is so very bad with poetry.

He was there on the station at 10:30 PM but the train being late by an hour. That was not a long wait. Anyways-good things in life are worth waiting for .If watching time pieces twice every second could accelerate time, then we would now have been in the 41st century .Finally the train arrives at around 11:45 PM. He was very blank about his actions once he found her and hence I suppose his worries were listened to, as there wasn’t any sign of her. He has looked everywhere without missing a spot. He has even looked all over the parking lot for potential relatives and friends but then couldn’t spot any.

So the next train arrives in the morning. Everything happens for the greater good. Had she chosen this train then he would have had a tough time tracking her in the dark. At least if she arrived in the morning then he would have ease in knowing her whereabouts. He had only a few hours of sleep left so he rushes back to the hotel without losing his heart .He knew a big day was coming tomorrow.

Its 6:00 AM and again there isn’t a sign of her .He was damn sure that if she would be around him he could feel her .His intuitions wouldn’t abandon him when he needed them most. Now his only hope was the last train at 1:50 PM.

That left him roughly six hours before the last train arrived and he couldn’t just stay there waiting for the train to come; he had to do something. A plan hit him and he walks out of the station and looks around for a fool kinda auto driver and he finally finds one .But then looks are always deceptive and he must be very careful.

He asks him to take him to the DM’s office and on the way; he inquires about his name, driving experience in Bhopal and his familiarity about the city. He had found the right guy. The auto wala asks his purpose in the city and after a little build up he finally speaks,“ Kal suryagrahaan hai pata hai na aur 15 August aane wala hai to sambhaal ke gaaddi chalana yaha kuch bhi ho sakta hai ;Main Milan Singh – special task force Anti terrorist squad , Suryagrahan tak mera kaam hai yaha. Ab kuch samajh aaya .” . Then he plays some music on his phone and acts as if talking to some one.

He asks the auto wala to stop and inquires how much does he earn a day .He replies 600-700 /day .He says 1000 dunga aur petrol bhi mere upar par aaj din bhar jaha jane ko kahunga chalna padega .After hesitating for a few minutes he finally agrees. “Accha sun kisi petrol pump per rok aur kisi dhabe pe le ke chaal bhookh lagi hai “, says he. They sit together in a hotel and talk over the food and he gathers, as much information as he thought would be relevant enough. Then they both leave on a routine checkup of various hotels in the city just in case she came before and stayed in one of them.

He returns for the 1:50 PM train but that train did not bring what he hoped to see. He sits down in the auto outside and calculates the possibilities and probabilities. The rest of the day was spend in visiting all public places in the city including malls, open grounds and the museum and every other place he thought he could find her tomorrow.

Its 09:00 PM now and his hopes look a lot faded than a day ago. He looks up the sky and contemplates if he had done everything he could or not .If he had then all the hard work must bear fruits but still the tree was out of sight. He needed replenishments so he enters “Babu Ki Kutia “on Sultania road, the auto wala suggested him the restaurant.

Just when he walks out of the restaurant, a Mercedes C230 kompressor pulls over and for the love of cars, he could not help but look at it. It was kinda new but looked dusty and there was a sticker on its window” Science Centre Gwalior”. Just when he was busy, scanning the car; the window drops down and he couldn’t blink for the next 90 seconds or so. He had finally found the precious oyster that hid the pearl .As the car pulls away their eyes finally meet and from the smile that she displayed he would take it as a 1 % chance that he still occupied a few faded bits in her head.

Now that she was in the city; tomorrow he would definitely meet her .All he had to do was get his hands on the net and gather information as to where to find her tomorrow. Lucky enough he finds a café that was just closing and for Rs 50 /15 mins he agreed .And there was a smile on his face for he knew exactly where she would be tomorrow. Hard work does always bear fruit.

So are his intuitions right this time? Will he find her tomorrow? What’s he gonna say? And what’s so special about the eclipse?

Wait till I find time again . . . . . .


  1. hehe good good :)

    but y will an anti terror squad blow his cover ?
    Think and reply ok ..

    p.s my blade thirsts :P

  2. @ Anonymous - I suppose you are smarter than the Autowala with better reasoning and logic .He believed it because I was there for just over a day and my acts were alike .Moreover I couldn't find a better reason to keep him to my terms and conditions.

  3. bzzzzzzz
    kitna lamba kheechega interesting hai, interestingly khatam karo... :)

  4. i second ŋ|ħ|η

  5. abey, bhaiya khatam kar

    nhi to holyS aise he suicide kar lega...........nhi to swine flu se marr jayega....

    waiting fr a good end (tadapti maut, wo bhi bina paani ke)
