Sometimes in our lives, we meet someone that we just cannot forget, no matter how hard we try. Their memories haunt us all day and night. Moreover, sometimes how much we wish we had never met them, but then we also thank God that we did .One memory is worth living with, a lifetime than without it. This is one of the journeys of a lifetime.
Boy: - Hi, I am Raj (a short pause) Neeraj Raj. (This style somehow seems to have become iconic since the introduction in 007 movies by the legendary Sean Connery .And the speaker is a die hard fan of those movies.)
Girl: - She gives a damn look. As if, she did not hear. (Actually, she had plugged in the earphones and was lost in some memories of the past, which the boy couldn’t notice. . . . He is such a l*s*r).
Boy: - (The boy speaks again with less enthusiasm). Being your next seat neighbor, I just tried to introduce myself so that the three-hour journey would be easier for both of us, but as it seems your mother has warned you not to talk to strangers, so I would hereafter refrain myself from speaking a word unless I see some enthusiasm from you.
Girl:-I am sorry .I was just listening to some music. By the way, hi I am Gauri.(From the next time she would be addressed by her name).
Boy: - You are the third girl I ever know with that name. What it is with parents that inspire them to name their kids in all the Gods name .Aren’t there enough names in this world to choose from?
Gauri: - Actually, I truly appreciate that my parents named me like this. You know these names are far better than others are.
Boy: - Could you enlighten me more?
Gauri: - Look with a Goddess name attached; you grow up as a child with a lot more self-confidence and discipline.Self-confidence in the way that you easily believe that being a
Goddess you can do anything, and discipline because you are taught that Gods aren’t undisciplined, so how can you be one.
Boy:-That’s why I think I grew up the way I am, how better could I have been if I was named Ram or Shiva?
Gauri:-That’s not my point. It’s just that I see it that way.
Boy:-Any more advantages.
Gauri: - Oh yes, There are lots. Nevertheless, for now let’s say .We aren’t cheated in love.
Boy:-And why is that?
Gauri:-Most people in India are superstitious even though they may not admit. Therefore, it takes a lot of courage for a boy to deceive his girlfriend who happens to have with a Goddess’s name .Moreover you cannot have filthy emotions for such a girl. Everybody fears the wrath of the gods if you deceit such a girl.
Boy: - Wow what a reason to believe.
Gauri:-Moreover, think how lucky a guy would be who marries such a girl.
Boy:-And why is that?
Gauri:-Do you know what are you supposed to say when you die?
Boy: - Although an absurd question, But I would rather answer that, since you are now talking so many answers. We are supposed to pray while dying, I guess.
Gauri: - Exactly, that’s what I meant. People in old times kept their son’s name on Gods. So that they would call out their names, while dying and thus could go to heaven. Just imagine how many times in life would my boyfriend call my name. So he is destined to go to heaven. Thus, my boyfriend is one in a million.
Boy: - Why 1 in a million?
Gauri: - Because he would go to heaven nah. How many in a million happen to go there. I guess one.
Boy: - So you happen to have one (most girls either don’t have any or have many) boyfriend.
Gauri:-Yes, I do. How about you?
Boy:-Have you been to China?
Gauri:-That isn’t my answer.
Boy:-That isn’t my answer either.
Gauri:-No I have never been to China. Why do you ask that?
Boy:-Just to show that there are other topics to talk.
Gauri: - You are so funny.
Boy:-No, I am not funny. I told you my name to which you did not pay heed. However, you can call me with a nick, which rhymes closely to funny.
Gauri:-And what is that? By the way, what was your name?
Boy:-Honey .That’s the word most girls use when they forget the day and the boyfriend. So a general term suffices for all the boyfriends on various days of the week. In addition, I do not repeat my name. I would tell you at the end of my journey only.
Gauri:-Ok with the name but you seem to have a bad impression about girls.
Boy:-I happen to remember a girl’s quote on men that read, “Men are like jeans, every women has at least seven in their closet amongst which they obviously have one as their favorite.”
Gauri:-I am so sorry you haven’t met the right kind yet.
Boy:-I guess, I have now .But alas you aren’t available. Are you ? Or do you know any of your kind who could be kind enough to send me to heaven .I am ready to enchant her name with every breathe of my life.
Gauri:-You seem to be a pretty decent and good-looking guy, so why haven’t you found one.
Boy:-I guess it’s time you put your spectacles on and have a better look at me .
Gauri: - (Laughs) No I am serious.
Boy:-Demons can’t live in the company of Angels. And that’s why no Demon (girl) has ever wanted me. However as good as Angels are, I have liked many girls even though all of them were one of a kind.
Gauri:-I feel sorry for you.
Boy:-Don’t be! Just grant me wish .You are Gauri – a goddess remember, you can make anything come true.
Gauri:-I wish I was a child because then I believed I could make miracles. But now I am too old to believe that.
Boy:-You still can .Just say yes and all will be right.
Gauri: -Yes to what?
Boy:- A question. Probably a request.
Gauri: -Shoot.
Boy:-Will you marry me?
Gauri:-Ha Ha Ha! You joke a lot.
Boy:-No I am serious .There is always a better option. But sometimes silly girls don’t realize that the better option is sitting next to her. And that such offers are valid only for a limited period. One more hour and I would be gone.
Gauri: - Na .Not interested.
Boy:-Why is that?
Gauri:-When you have the best option then why even look at the better ones.
Boy:-Ok, I too was kidding .Anyways who wants to go to heaven. I just want to reach my destination as fast as possible.
Gauri:-So where are you up to.
Boy:-I can’t tell you that.
Gauri:-Why is that?
Boy:-Because then I would have to ask where are you up to. And if the stop comes before mine, I would get down and follow you. And if the stop comes later, I would be inclined not to descend until your stop and then follow you. So either way I wouldn’t reach my destination. You happen to be so beautiful and desirable. Not my fault .Ask anyone on the bus if they wouldn’t do the same.
Gauri:-Now I know why girls don’t like you?
Boy:-And why is that?
Gauri: -You are such a flirt.
Boy: -Then I guess Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi was the biggest flirt that history has ever seen.
Gauri:-What the **** are you saying? He was such a good man.
Boy: -For the obvious reason as mine. If for telling the truth, I can be awarded the title, then
this man never ever lied his entire life (except once).Imagine what would he have said to kasturba when he would have seen her for the first time .Wouldn’t he have said ,”Kasturba, you are the most beautiful girl, I have and would ever see in my life.”And if Kasturba thought your way, they would have never got married.
Gauri: -Oh My God! You are such a ****.
Boy:-Thanks for the compliment. Now you can put back those earphones and loose yourself in the memories of whoever he is. And would you mind lending me that window seat because I know it for sure that I wouldn’t ever enjoy India this beautiful ever again.
Gauri: - All this taking for the seat. You could have just asked for it. I would have left it gladly.
Boy: -Really. Then how would I have known a reason to say to God that I deserve Heaven.
Then, she closed her eyes and was deeply into music. And I sat there admiring her for the rest of the journey. I would certainly never see India so beautiful ever again.
My stop came. She was deep in her sleep and I couldn’t awaken her. How much I regret not asking her email id or the most not telling my name .I just left a paper that read, “There is always a better option, it’s just that people never realize until the offer expires. Hope to meet you again someday. Thanks for being my angel today.”
Wishing happiness into your lives, although it’s you who possess the powers and not I.
A stranger that had a name.