The full moon was slumbering deep under the blankets of the dark clouds, as there aren’t many people who come out of their dovecots to appreciate its beauty. The ocean was as restless and tormented as ever trying to push beyond the shores to find someone who could bring happiness and peace into his life. The only sounds that he could hear were the honking of the distant automobiles, his heart and the screams of the sea. He now knew why despite of being fed by the sweet river water, sea was all-saline. The stars did not care much to sparkle in the sky as their faint light wasn't cared much for, in the so lit up cities and the kids weren’t wooed anymore by their twinkling. The cool breeze was desperately blowing towards the sea, pleased to come out of the city’s suffocating environment, which has almost choked it.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He decides to sing and the only songs that come to his lips were “Addicted” and “Rhythm Divine”. Just when his patience was about to run out he sees a distant silhouette approaching towards him. He ran with his arms wide open to feel her heart beat in rhythm to his, see his image in her eyes and start his New Year with the sweetness of her lips. However, his momentary happiness disappeared when she pulled out her hand and greeted him “Happy New Year Vijay”, instead of welcoming him with her ever-charming sweet smile. What’s wrong with you, why are you killing me with your coldness, what did I do lately that you even despise seeing my face? He desperately wanted explanations.
It isn’t your fault neither is mine, its destiny that does us apart. We were, never meant to be together. I wouldn’t regret all those days I spent with you, they would remain the most cherished days in my life, but we together for the rest of life isn’t feasible at all. Vijay you have always said, “Life is all about choices as we get it only once, so we must make our choices right in order not to regret anything on death bed”. Today I have made a choice. I chose to be rich and successful than being happy, because I believe happiness finds a way to the rich and successful. I chose to be adored and desired than being loved, because love would eventually develop. I chose to obey my parents to whom I owe my life than you, who became my life for a while. I chose to be rational than being illogical, because I know that for both of us this would be the best option. Today, you might not like anything that I say, but many years from now if we meet again, I know that you would be happy, that you would find someone who would love you as much as you love me and that you would be satisfied to know that I was happy too all those years. I really do owe you an apology because I know that I have hurt you a lot with my words. However, I know that you would forgive me as you have always done because you love me so much .She leans forward, kisses him, hands over her marriage invitation card and walks away without giving him any opportunity to plead or even utter a word.
All eternity stood still speechless waiting for the boy to react. The moon came out of the clouds to share his grief and the clouds burst into tears, the ocean was overwhelmed to know that, someone else suffered as much as he did and the wind blew harder to show its anguish. Vijay stood still looking at her walk away with a hope that she would turn back, but she never did. A few moments later, she disappeared into the darkness forever. A drop of tear rolled down his cheeks, which washed away in the rain. His, grief was out of bounds for tears and screams.
The elixir of his life had walked out of his life. How was he supposed to live now? She was the only reason for him to be alive. Twenty-three days from now, she would marry money and fame and give herself to a man who has always lusted for her. Will she ever be happy again? Will she ever smile again in all the innocent and care free way? How does all that matter now? Everyone was born with a free will to choose and she had decided not to choose him instead. Who was he now to force her to defer from her free will.
He has never known to swim, but he starts walking towards the sea. He also had the right to free will and he no longer wanted to live anymore. As he sank to the depths of the sea, his thoughts began to resurface. He wasn’t a coward to run away from challenges. He was born good, destined to be the best but it was he only who chose not to grow up better. If money and success were all that mattered in this world, then he too would have it at his disposal. How bad it was to be born with a golden heart and an empty pocket, than to be without a heart and a pocket full of pearls. Besides he couldn’t die proving himself as a loser to the girl he could never hate. He would definitely make her regret her decision on her deathbed if not sooner.
A wave throws him back to the seashore and he sees the sunrise, it was truly amazing. He has been among those who saluted the setting sun for lighting up their lives all day, but from today, he too would salute the rising sun like all others because glory is in rising when no one can meet eyes with you than in setting after being exhausted and consumed.
From now on his life would be entirely different .He had just reincarnated with a different outlook to life. He will be rich, successful and playful if not happy and maybe someday happiness would find a way to him. Why desire and not be desired? Why seek and not be sought? Why cry for someone who turned a back on you? Why die for someone who never lived for you? Why love someone so much when she did not even hate you with half the intensity? . . . . . . . . .The footprints that he left behind him would mark a new beginning to a Happy Ending!
P.S:- The names and the story is truly fictional and any resemblance to characters living or dead is purely coincidential.
To be continued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .