I remember reading a poem once which intrigued me so much that it got imprinted on my memory. I take this opportunity to recite it again.
One bright day, in the middle of the night;
Two dead boys got up to fight;
Back to back they faced each other;
Drew their swords and shot each other;
A deaf policeman heard the noise;
Came and shot the two dead boys;
If you don't believe my lie to be true;
Ask the blind man he saw it too.
I have a lot of memories about Delhi ,memories that I will never forget ,memories which make my heart bleed and lips laugh at the same time .Delhi has changed my life in a lot more ways than people who know me ever realize. And one such day, the 14th of February, I am destined to
set my foot again on the political capital of India.
There are very few days in a year when I do see the sun rise and 14th was one of them .The red morning sun never had looked better, the chilled morning breeze was totally mesmerizing and the chirping of birds sounded better than the much hyped "Jai Ho". Nature has its own ways to manifest things and it doesn't do it quietly, it indicates everything through omens and signs .Everything about that morning was an indication that my day was going to be one memorable day given that I was in one of the most romantic cities on one hell of a romantic day .
It wasn't early in the day when I hit the grounds, but since the first rays of the sun shone upon me, old memories kept pouring in .Still deeply engrossed in my thoughts I was informed that the train had reached its destination. I took a bus, met one of my dear friends and headed towards home where my brother was supposed to get married the next day.
All the omens and signs from the morning seemed illusive and as I was covering my distance I couldn't help getting a bit depressed at the sight of the lovely couples walking the city. With a heavy heart I reached home and to my surprise I saw my sister with a sweet friend of hers .We were introduced and so I came to know that she was from JMC ,one of the hottest colleges in Delhi which instantly increased my curiosity in her. I told her that, I was there for a reason but what was she doing there on V-day.”JMC being a girls college I couldn't find a date or maybe its your lucky day”, she replied. She asked if I was willing to see the city with her as she had no other work for the rest of the day .Now who would deny such an offer when one has actually nothing to do and so I readily agreed to the offer asking for an hour to freshen up.
In the evening when the sun has set and the city was all lively and lit up, I was with this girl in her red car .Not knowing how to drive can be a bliss sometimes when all you can do is sit and stare at the driver provided she is pretty and interesting. Traffic never felt as good in DTC busses as it did that day. She took me too many places and we talked about a lot of things. I generally don't make friends that easily but was it the effect of the place or the day or was her charisma too infectious that we were having a good time together.
She dropped me back to the hotel where as expected my brother along with his friends was waiting for me with everything required to feel light and lively. I joined then but being a beginner was allowed to leave the party at will, so when I thought I had, had enough I headed towards my room. I don't know when I fell asleep and when I started dreaming. But the dream was really splendid. I felt something creeping into my blanket over me which was a bit heavy .I felt my shirt being unbuttoned and I being osculated, oh what a dream I was having. Suddenly I felt my vests ripped apart and parts of my body aching in pain and stiffening .I wasn't willing to open my eyes lest the dream should go but what if it wasn't a dream .I slowly opened my eyes to discover the girl I was with since evening so close to me, at an inch distance and more importantly all open for me. I wasn't in a mental state to judge the situation and I decided to flow with the river.
I could barely remember the details of the next few moments but after a prolonged period of rhythmic quivering we finally laid side by side looking into each other eyes for the answer to the one unasked question that has tormented mankind since eternity. We talked over sweet nothings with my hand still finding a way out of the wet marsh long enough for the sun to rise again .As the first rays of the sun fell on us through the window, I decided to do my experiments with the slit and slowly slided under the blanket .
While I was still busy with my Fresnel and Fraunhover experiments, I felt a gush of water hitting hard on my face which seemed to have been coming from the curvaceous cascades of the Ganges valley. I was amused at first but the sprinkle was hard enough to keep dreaming and my eyes finally opened to find my sister trying hard to wake me up .On seeing my puzzled face she left me with an advice ,"Dear bro ,always lock your room or else you never know . . . . . . ."
I did see that girl the same day but we were like strangers, neither of us did utter a word .Late evening I saw her in her red car with someone sitting on the front seat to take a joy ride around Delhi. Meanwhile I attended the wedding and returned lonely to my room and I made sure that I did lock the room from inside.